Friday, March 27, 2009

Mother 的‘飞箭’

MUM: 今天你有去学校吗?(cause i wake up super early to do my US visa)
ME: 没有,i went to do my visa.
MUM:aiyo! 为se me没有去上课?为se me 选有课的时候去做?!
ME:aiya..我知道自己在做se me la...放心。。
MUM: 你阿!就是没有心去读书lor...整天看你没有读se me 书的样子。。。yaya 在过日子lor..

赢了lor..连我的mother 都这样说我..
this sem 又cuiz liao...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

aiyo... why you go when you have lesson meh.. is that urgent ? Mmmm.. aiya.. your mum like that say also becos of your own good mah.. Sure her you can do it loh. =p Cheers.. Work hard ya..