Sunday, June 7, 2009

Custer/Safari Jeep ride

Was really cold these days!...4 degree cel the other day! was raining hailstorm and fog was like really heavy and down to like 2 storeys that low...Creeps when i walked in the thick fog along the trail. You never know there might be a mountain lion looking at you over the rock in the fog!

Had my jeep ride ytd...nobody tell me it would be so cold!!!!cuiz lar..haiz...kind of my own fault also..haiz..dun koe what i was thinking that moment..berms and a long sleeve shirt only?..i was shivering the whole 4 hour journey!!!!oh god....lucky quickly come back rest..if not fall sick can die le...

Quite busy lately as the business i mean people coming and stay at the lodge, tomorrow or later in singapore time, there's going to be like about 82 checkouts plus stayovers. God...last time work until so shit no tip hopefully tmr have!!

Just now, kind of work OT coz the customers werent pleased that we din not clean up his cabin. Well think is like our leader's fault today. Cause went in the early morning then they hanged Do Not Disturb (DND). when we forget all about it in the aftn. so just now like my boss and sup went back le..then left me and other two eating at the dining room, the front desk people came to like look for value the chance to drive the van to help clean up...if not..hardly drive..actually..can drivce but then...haha...chen lao ban off de shi hou drive....

Anyway the pics are those from the jeep ride. =)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The pic is so sweet.. U know which one.. Haha...