Been back to Singapore from the States for a week already. 终觉得少了点什么。The first day when i reached, it feels so different. 人不同了,环境也不同了。我的老家似乎也不同了。'Did something changed when i was gone?' 'Nope, nothing has changed.' Walked around my neighbourhood the second day. 还真得有点不习惯。Gone was the 'Good mornings' and 'How are you doing?' Instead was greeted by nonchalent faces. Malays, Indians, you hardly see them in the States, they all looked so different to me even till now. Ah lians, bengs seem to be a local identity now. Everything feel so weird.
在美国时,我很少,可说似乎没有想家。令我怀念的任是新加坡的美食。I am quite sick of bacon, eggs, and rosti(they called it hashbrown) for breakfast everyday. Moreover, salads and fruitless meals. 'Where's all my fried vegetables and fruits?' 撇开食物不谈, 令我很少想家的是在美国那结交的朋友,那温情的友谊。每天忙于工作,下班后打球,慢跑,和朋友聊天,时间飞逝。生活平凡,却很充实。I thought I could never survive without TV for 2 months or even telephone, but I did. Of course, internet must be accesible for me, if not i would turn into a caveman, literally.还记得我们抵达的第一天,冷得半死。When i got into an little argument with Jerry, a kind lady, Lane (who eventually gave us each a little printed painting of hers when we left)offered a helping hand. Susan, our next door neighbour, and her constant, same old complains of her never busy days, cracked jokes that filled the dining room. 阿 ‘侠’ 哥,蓝天,‘大姐大’的‘酸’来‘酸’去,BOSS: 'How long more Ken?',Glaizsa: 'Kenzok!', 'Kuapo': 'Zi Gei Guitar, Zi Gei Dongdong', Mike: 'Yoz, whats up man?' on and on...真的,回到这里,似乎少了这些温情。

As my job is soon up, new people came, from Taiwan, Russia, Turkey. A once rather quiet or say Filipino filled laundry room turned into a bustling place filled with Chinese, Turkish, which i often seeked to stay away.太吵了啦!终于要走时,farewell party was great. From housekeeping, to Kitchen , Front desk, everyone was there. Atmosphere was great.
All this was not possible if my friend, Eve did not ask me to join her. A good companion, who tolerated all my nonsenses, who often brought me supper, whom I waited every night for her (cause I worked morning shift, she worked in the aftn/night shift, so we hardly have a chance to chat) until i fell asleep, and the funny thing was, she wakes up earlier than me everyday!
做工,赚钱,旅游,花钱,感觉实在好。新的事物,新的环境,新的朋友,全新的体验。If I have a chance, I would return. Work in other places in the States? (Worry that things are different. People changed, job is tougher and so on..) Work at the same place? (I don't mind actually, just have to deal with being stucked there without much entertainment again for months.)好了,罗哩罗嗦够了,新的学期又要开始,嗨。。烦恼啊!

1 comment:
Oh yea..that place was awesome!Go again next year!...or we can always choose someplace different. I was reminiscing last night and I think we spent too short a summer there. :)
By the way...after all that stuff I did, I merely earned the title of a "good companion"?? oh, geez. Haha.
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