Was totally unproductive in studies for the past two days....But on a lighter note, i really had a lot of fun...

Join CSC last sem...truely enjoyed every min spend with the people in it and the elderly as well..
Was quite apprehensive in joining the Organising Comm for it when zx (vice chair) ask me to..(cause was afraid needs alot of commitment and stuff and moreover kanna publicity..i was like "do i have to stand at the linkway to do publicity and fund raising etc"...) in the end it turns out quite okie (hasnt need any fundraising drive yet)..nt too much of commitment and workload..Which was ideal for me lar..haha cause i join this Rsvp - regular service volunteering programme - THE SENIORS - a bi weekly basis one than a weekly basis in the first place..again due to commitment lor..haha wanna spend time on volunteering yet not too much on it...
Its been great to koe the whole bunch of them...at least i feel reallly comfortable talking to the elderly and the volunteers as well...can really see alot of the volunteers really do their utmost for the elderly during regular visits..really impressed..haha..okie i m the one slacking...haha but ya..its been fun lar..for the past sem...
Had this major outing...just few hours ago..invited some of the elderly for a walk at the southern ridges..Not a lot of our befriended elderly came..cause those elderly we helped are really old, and have difficulties walking...so they din come...those who came are from the same neighbourhood that we serve lar...but still saw alot of familiar faces like mdm chong, and mr chiu....
I truely enjoyed myself today.. loved taking pictures for them.. (and i truely believe pictures can capture the best moments and will bring back all the good memories down the road when u look at them again)...well at the same time..zi pai my self also..well i guess the whole event ran smoothly..small hiccupps here and there..but still..a great success! haha bo bian..in OC..must zi kua abit...got sense of satisfaction lor..
Still..wanna thank all my friends.. geok xiuyun xavier chersiong for all coming down to help out..din really talk to them much..cause wasnt following the main party...got to do admin stuff behind the scene...Rongsheng - really thanks for helping the us for the prep and the outing itself also...Ah boon - haha for the printing of shirt...the rest of OC...the help render to one another..Finally i think the most of the credits shd to given to my chairperson margaret..she really done a good job in aliasing, preparing for the event, actual prep till the outing itself...she's really one good leader i guess...i'm really impressed..
-enjoy the pics!-
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