think recent posts are abit solemn i think..haha so think this one shd lift up e mood alittle...
小豬 王力宏 百分百大對抗 r&b!!
Saturday, May 31, 2008
2008-05-30 超级星光大道第三季 part 11
like the blues and jazz rythmn...
[KTV] 王力宏 - 星期六的深夜
another nice song!
like the blues and jazz rythmn...
[KTV] 王力宏 - 星期六的深夜
another nice song!
Friday, May 30, 2008
Went on a nite cycling with my buddy.....supposed to start at 8.15pm at ecp(cause i dun realli intend to cycle thru out the whole nite)..well...guess he will be by the time i cycle down ecp is like 8.30 and he is still isnt there yet...then we set off at around 9.20 i think....(he borrow his bike from his friend living in bedok)...then cycle all e way to Changi village via the PCN (park connector)..was pretty gd actually....given that its a newly built PCN and definitely much safer then cycling on the road given that its still around 10 plus and still a number of cars on the road...and the PCN lights are still nt that eerie..haha after 12 will be pitch dark i guess...
Then changi village rested for a while..before we cont our way down to pasir ris the legs are starting to ache already..having cycle form sengkang down ecp and up pasir ris downtown...phew..then rested a while get some drinks and we use the PCN again haha all e way to back to bedok and meet up with xiuyun for a very late supper..but then my mind is like already swtiched off liao..haha was like 1 plus lar..but stay at the coffe shop till 3 plus..i was ZZZ....
Then manage to psycho rongsheng to cycle with me back to my house..haha because we humji...we were talking about some ghost stories in yup he stayed over lar...then chatted, crapped before sleeping like already near 5am the nxt morning...
So today my legs are like aching still..n feeling kind of tired..but have my salsa classes in the evening...haha being tired think i got emo kind of easily again lar...also probably wat we said the night before about relationships lar..
Dont think i realli talk about it to my friends cause i scared i will bore them so most of the stuff i rather keep to myself..and my sec friends..-_-!!k forget telling such stuffs to them...but sometimes..friends point of view also kind of helpful i guess...ya...was saying about being 'contented' about some things like status lar..whether close friends or together etc does it make a big difference??...realli do set me thinking yup...think i will always compared with the past n present..but comparatively..its still something much better than nothing i wats more k i ask for??haha
(just a couple of shots of e spaghetti that i cooked the other day...)
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Argh....left and right brain..
Guess teaching for half a year hasnt realli train my brain really well...haha i stumbled across this question.. my p5 student email me...the first look i was like.."sure its a pri 5 question?" cause i'm m tempted to use algebra...haha..n i got a friend(xianghao) also blog about the p6 maths questions..which to me seems like sec i was afraid this student of mine like help her siblings to ask me questions.. BUT I WAS WRONG...she said was P5 questions..
So now seriously taking a look...haha its not that difficult...but to a p5 kid...i think it invovles realli alot of steps.. n definitely drawing of models help..(haha now i too lazy to draw them)...u all k try..its quite challenging for a pri school student! (i hasnt got such challenging questions during my primary school days!)
1. Tom and Kathy had 1360 lucky draw tickets altogether.
After Tom had sold 0.2 of the stickers and Kathy had sold 226 tickets , they each had the same number of lucky draw tickets left.
how many lucky draw tickets did Kathy at the beginning?
2. When Alan's savings doubled, Ben spent 0.6 of his savings and Charlie's savings decreased by 1/7, they each had the same amount of money.If Ben had $120.72 more than Alan at first, find the amount of money Charlie had at first.
So now seriously taking a look...haha its not that difficult...but to a p5 kid...i think it invovles realli alot of steps.. n definitely drawing of models help..(haha now i too lazy to draw them)...u all k try..its quite challenging for a pri school student! (i hasnt got such challenging questions during my primary school days!)
1. Tom and Kathy had 1360 lucky draw tickets altogether.
After Tom had sold 0.2 of the stickers and Kathy had sold 226 tickets , they each had the same number of lucky draw tickets left.
how many lucky draw tickets did Kathy at the beginning?
2. When Alan's savings doubled, Ben spent 0.6 of his savings and Charlie's savings decreased by 1/7, they each had the same amount of money.If Ben had $120.72 more than Alan at first, find the amount of money Charlie had at first.
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Yesterday was my third salsa lesson..well..i m beginning to like it!!haha..was okie okie for me for the first two lessons...dun koe y bah..haha maybe yesterday's lesson was much more interesting???haha dun koe la..maybe tiao2 zheng3 hao3 xin1 qing2 le bah? realli difficult for me to learn salsa tho..haha..alot of hand n foot remember the footsteps..u forget ur hands...u focus more on ur hands..ur footsteps go haywire...haha...but the hands are realli tiring la....!okie lar..if u do it in the correct posture u will be lar...i'm been doing the wrong haha not aching...BUT ya..maybe feel abit stress lar.. cause have to rotate partners..then some are far better..then wah...haha must kind of like match up to them?...n its getting difficult as well??ya the hands n foot coordination lor..
Its definitely different from hip hop???haha the steps u take must be realli small...if nt u and ur partner will drift further n further away..and u will find it hard to like 'hold on to her/him'...haha..hip hop like takes larger step and more hype lar..still dun quite like the salsa music...haha maybe keep listening to the same one..haha..
Was watching the 超级星光大道第三季 on you tube happen then one contestant was singing this song by shino..then i went to search for it ..i think its good/okie..haha
四季 - Alin 黄丽铃 - like this slighlty more realli difficult for me to learn salsa tho..haha..alot of hand n foot remember the footsteps..u forget ur hands...u focus more on ur hands..ur footsteps go haywire...haha...but the hands are realli tiring la....!okie lar..if u do it in the correct posture u will be lar...i'm been doing the wrong haha not aching...BUT ya..maybe feel abit stress lar.. cause have to rotate partners..then some are far better..then wah...haha must kind of like match up to them?...n its getting difficult as well??ya the hands n foot coordination lor..
Its definitely different from hip hop???haha the steps u take must be realli small...if nt u and ur partner will drift further n further away..and u will find it hard to like 'hold on to her/him'...haha..hip hop like takes larger step and more hype lar..still dun quite like the salsa music...haha maybe keep listening to the same one..haha..
Was watching the 超级星光大道第三季 on you tube happen then one contestant was singing this song by shino..then i went to search for it ..i think its good/okie..haha
四季 - Alin 黄丽铃 - like this slighlty more
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Oh Wells...
Had the parent meeting session today...learnt more about how the whole education system works and their grading systems..for instance, thats no longer streaming well what we call EM1, 2, is cater to stretch their abilties and give them more flexibility.. So as they go on to higher pri, they will do wat we call the standard EMS and MT..well..equivalent to last time EM1 n EM2...However, if they fail their maths really badly and cant really cope with the demand while doing well for other subjects..he or she is given the standard papers for English science and MT however a foundation paper in maths which is equilvalent to EM3 in the older system will be given to they k still carry on to pursue their normal subjects while really focus on the basic of the weaker ones...cause i guess some parents across the whole singapore feedback many many many years ago that probably their child fails one or two subjects like english or maths...then they all put in EM3 in olden times...and even the movie 'i not stupid' highlights that as there is a reform in the system lar..(for more information k check the moe website)...
Well, feeling is definitely kind of different.. few years back..i came with parents to see teachers to get back the report books afraid what will the teacher say to my parents especially misbehaving in class switch places lar...haha..gave them feedbacks of their child's performance over the past term...learn alot from other teachers as how they handle sensitive issue involving parents, how they seek to work with their parents etc...
Then went to watch A Div Bball finals with my bball friend in the aftn...Hmm..girls final was HCI vs was exciting given that Raffles was leading by a few points with mins left..but HCI really have the nerves and strength to overcome and they won... Nxt was the boys final, HCI and AJC..haha being an ex-ajcian..somemore bball lar..of course wish ajc will win lar...they started off well..despite HCI realli has the superiority in well build, and probably more well trained and skilled lar... so 1st half was neck n neck..AJC falling behind by 4 points...but well 2nd half was just one way affair HCI won...(u can find out more on my link: schoolsports) Well i think is different lar..playing in the game and watching the game..then u will like pinpointing or discuss with my friends..y the defense like that..let the oppoents score so easily and u like clap when its realli a good ball played..Saw some old teachers..well they are busy and din realli like go and look for them lar...haha..well the AJC supporters are still diaoz...realli much lesser compared to HCI...think no transport to bring them there thats pretty tired now..cause din take my aftn nap.....
Well, feeling is definitely kind of different.. few years back..i came with parents to see teachers to get back the report books afraid what will the teacher say to my parents especially misbehaving in class switch places lar...haha..gave them feedbacks of their child's performance over the past term...learn alot from other teachers as how they handle sensitive issue involving parents, how they seek to work with their parents etc...
Then went to watch A Div Bball finals with my bball friend in the aftn...Hmm..girls final was HCI vs was exciting given that Raffles was leading by a few points with mins left..but HCI really have the nerves and strength to overcome and they won... Nxt was the boys final, HCI and AJC..haha being an ex-ajcian..somemore bball lar..of course wish ajc will win lar...they started off well..despite HCI realli has the superiority in well build, and probably more well trained and skilled lar... so 1st half was neck n neck..AJC falling behind by 4 points...but well 2nd half was just one way affair HCI won...(u can find out more on my link: schoolsports) Well i think is different lar..playing in the game and watching the game..then u will like pinpointing or discuss with my friends..y the defense like that..let the oppoents score so easily and u like clap when its realli a good ball played..Saw some old teachers..well they are busy and din realli like go and look for them lar...haha..well the AJC supporters are still diaoz...realli much lesser compared to HCI...think no transport to bring them there thats pretty tired now..cause din take my aftn nap.....
KiDs at Work!
Been having post exam lessons lately, well nth much on academic but school has been organising alot of enrichment activites for the kids. Apart from the activites, they also do have some lessons free to keep them occupied..i have asked them to come up with their own board game! In fact, its just improvisation of existing board games like snake and ladder, bingo, spelling bees.... BUT u k never undermine their hidden potential and talent!!! So they kind of did a draft on the A4 size paper, some draw out their ideas.. i got snake n ladder, monopoly, bingo and lots more.. and realli not to like just ask them to do something to keep them occupied to keep them quiet for those periods...well i in fact went to 'popular' and bought some materials and help them to make their board games out!...Well simple simple ones lar...haha actually, its quite simple to do it lar...and its realli cost effectively! all the things are well under $10..could have save even lesser without buying those OHP markers...-_-!! which the kids complain it's spoilt cause they dropped it on the ground....Anyway..was kind of rushing them out wanna show them the next day..and encourage them to do something in holidays apart from playing computers games..and also let them see and try out their own ideas...So here are their ideas and i improvise on them again lar...
However, must really comment on two students who realli go all the way from formulating the game to really make the game out..although it is just snake and ladder...but they have questions for u to answer if u get wrong then like move back..or skip a turn..u get the questions right u move on etc....i think its realli a good learning journey in disguise..haha improving their art n crart? their creativity? and they in fact came out with their own vocab, science, maths questions where they can do peer learning when playing the game..and even use cute little figurines to use as the player's pawn!!!*thumbs up*
Monday, May 19, 2008
Cant really think of a suitable title for this post i guess =)haha.
Played bball on sat nite..after missing 2 weeks of bball with my sec/bball buddies due to sickness and also clashes with my time now cause saturday having onli sunday morning or sat nite then i have time to play... Wow..was realli legs still ache sia... then they came over to my house and bid farewell to one of our friend..(jack..the one in grey/brown) in the early morning as he is flying off to the States for studies..din realli sleep on sat nite..onli rested for three hours before making our way to the airport...hmm..haha..will miss him de lar...cause he's the joker in our clique..hope he wun flung his studies this time round!
Then came back home and slept till 12 in the afternoon plus... then watch crunchyroll.. in fact these days i have been watching 少年杨家将 it is the one that channel8 is currently showing on sunday 10.30pm...Well..i like to watch historical drama and normally monday i got to work so i find it hard to stay up and watch it on channel8 and kind of chiong the series... Well...if you are expecting it to be exciting and full of actions etc..then ya have to tune ur mindset abit liao..cause all e action is realli onli right up to the end like episode 38 out of 43 then e whole action starts???its nth to do with the 杨门女将.. but rather..the father and the sons of the yang yup...right till the end is still about the males n nt the females.. Well..its realli kind of draggy in between as there are so mani characters from 杨大郎 to 杨七郎 and other evil ministers in the court and till the enemies who are invading the country...Like they realli focus down to each individual and crap/write stories about them lar... but all e same about patriotism, loyaltly, love etc.. But once u watched the last few episodes.. i think its very heartwarming.. and exciting..and sad cause almost of them died la...overall..(u can fastforward if u realli find it draggy in between but...its ReaLli WOrth your time to watch la. - if u like romance kind of story plot)
Well..getting kind of emotional lately just now was watching the drama series..and comes to the romance part of the drama..wah...sian diao..getting emo again..haha...kind of mixed feelings again cause i have a tendency to like envy other couples or people?? tho..haha...think ya...still is back to me again bah...just cant let go of some of the things in life...wah...嘴上说一套, 心里想一套...scared somethings if realli put aside and do nth to the end as time goes...有些东西与感觉一旦失去, 再也找不回来..
Anyway...four more days!!!i realli take a break...haha maybe go cycling round singapore to 散散心...Haiz...cause nt working.. will have more time to think of things again....but if i work...haiz..i will feel so tired lar!!haha...
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Been sick...haha not sick lar...lost my voice so been on MC for today and tomorrow...While i guess a very much need break for me tho...Feel realli tired and stressed out...Probably this term is more hectic??less public holidays???slightly unfavorable timetable for me???haiz....realli tire myself out...Most of the time when i get back home..realli don't feel like doing anything..just rest..laze ard...haha...BUt on the bright side...i work half a day..but cannot say half a day as well....i do work from morning 7 plus till 2 plus...but definitely better off cause i got some breaks in between..but still exhausting....haha...wish to relax and realli enjoy and learn new things during this june n july before my uni term starts..
Well...its been really a gd experience for me..and i had learnt lots...hmm...few posts back..i blogged about my family my dad n my mum how they work and support the family...its realli beyond words and even actions to express my gratitude to them....BUt i realli do hope that they dun have to work so hard in years to come when i graduate... i realli do feel studies are important....good grades wld give u good career with gd pay - thats for i do have regrets of not studying well during jc times...shd put in a little bit more effort now kind of determined to realli do well in uni and graduate with good grades...of course nt say real mugger...but i will sacrfice more time to hit the books then having fun bah...yup..have to realli balance my time well..aniway...wat i m gg to me its all or nth that kind...u have to do well if nt..ya...
Was talking to my mum just now...look at her expression etc.. realli hurts lar..when she says how stress she feels sometimes...but she still realli 'ren lao ren yuan' to take care of e family...Haha rmb the sunday times?? MUm shd get $23 000 a month??? - they shd get that amount of money..They really do. =)
Well...its been really a gd experience for me..and i had learnt lots...hmm...few posts back..i blogged about my family my dad n my mum how they work and support the family...its realli beyond words and even actions to express my gratitude to them....BUt i realli do hope that they dun have to work so hard in years to come when i graduate... i realli do feel studies are important....good grades wld give u good career with gd pay - thats for i do have regrets of not studying well during jc times...shd put in a little bit more effort now kind of determined to realli do well in uni and graduate with good grades...of course nt say real mugger...but i will sacrfice more time to hit the books then having fun bah...yup..have to realli balance my time well..aniway...wat i m gg to me its all or nth that kind...u have to do well if nt..ya...
Was talking to my mum just now...look at her expression etc.. realli hurts lar..when she says how stress she feels sometimes...but she still realli 'ren lao ren yuan' to take care of e family...Haha rmb the sunday times?? MUm shd get $23 000 a month??? - they shd get that amount of money..They really do. =)
Saturday, May 10, 2008
I'm sure u all have heard e 6 year old girl from Britain is make a realli big sensation in the musical scence right now...she's good...realli good for a girl at such a young age....DO enjoy!
well..i think its karma again...ytd scolded my students for misbehaving...was realli furious and frustrated ytd nite..k feel the toil in my voice box...n its starts to hurt..feeling real hot after e bath had a very disturbed sleep lor..have to keep waking up to drink water n take some got was realli...have to endure it...lar.. 10 to 5 today..then came home quickly still k feel kind of warm lar...
MIssed out e fun with the rest of my friends with the expense of my Salsa dance..been realli want to learn new things..whats holding me back is like haha must have someone to accompany me to join all these classes bah...Was realli tiring..e legs and we learnt just basic steps..n its difficult for me..cause cyco -motor... haha focus on hands..forget the legs..the steps..But its good!!..nt very good.. nt very bad..was okie for me..haha still rmb e Lindy HOp workshop in ajc...i do quite like it..probably different lar...two like more class and serious i guess...haha....okie now i have to go look for keyboard classes nxt!!!..anyway recommendation anyone??
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Friday, May 2, 2008
Hasnt been cycling since i started work...haha..i realli like to cycle lar..especially at breeze...shiok...

So decided to work out abit as well( i dun like running alone lar).. so went cycling..this time round check out punggol!! cause i saw e show like urban escape...kind of like recommend some places in punngol that k go visit...
So first stop! MArina CounTrY Club! check out the seafood restuarant there! i looked at the street directory..and din look closely lar...haha tot k go in by punngol way...BUT!!...haiz...once i cycled to e end of the road..DIAOz!!!can see the building but cant go any further cause no road ahead!!!...(there is lar..dirt road) decided nt to venture in...since its getting dark...i turn around and make my way to punngol road..towards punngol beach instead...HAha! as u all koe they place quite i was heading out to the main road...saw people in the car lar...din see it clearly(cycling too fast)..but well i guess...haha...same like kranji dam lar hor..haha..
Then back on punngol just one tiny road all e way OLD Tampines road..being a 胆小鬼 haha will think of might see something i do not want to see just cycle fast..then FINALLY saw e sign for Marina COuntry turn left...instead of gg str to e jetty first..cause it gives me creeps lar..WORLD WAR 2 MEMORIAL SITE..diaoz..all those people died..kaoz..still like thinking..go the country club then head back home liao..haha..
So again along seventeen ave..all e way in..was realli 偏僻...but saw couple taking wedding photos there!!because got those tall larangs....wah sweet..same thing lar vehicle park in e bushes..but they are empty tho..(sigh..tot k see something haha) finally reach e country club...wah..alot of cars and pp there lar...nxt time i will go there n try e car or by bicycle also k....smae got prawn fishing as well... then i just cycle round e main entrance and head out...
Then make my way to the punngol jetty...wah...tho is a straight road..but the slope freaking steep and not one but two!!.....nt like old tampines road...nt that steep..and is bend rather than str.... but still gives me e creeps....was kind of dark still despite the street lamp...upon reaching turns out better than what i have imagine..quite a number of people there as well!!!!....haha..still like remains e same lar..(went there when i was realli young...still the developments there)....yup..then took out my hp to take some pics...(haha then i finally rmb about my hp...haha)
But i pity the policeman stationed a security post...thats small and a portable toilet beside it..wah..sad lar..if u army life stationed there...haha...then head back out...diaoz..see the slope again...(normally i will nt chg gear and just cycle up..but wah..tot i k make it...but ite still off n push...-_-!)
Saw a house just off the main road..haha..being courage to go in the dirt road and explore it..haha...maybe ya...went back i guess..its quite an experience...haha..the longest distance i cycled would have been from hougang to choa chu kang...that time..haha bought my bicycle secretly..(cause dad objects say too dangerous..but i m 20 already!so my bicycle k say quite new..) ya lor..wah..was realli tiring..3 raining that like delayed...haha but ya experience!...
(back to civilisation at punngol)
(a 'in' architecture of a temple)
(a mountain bike only..not racer!)
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