Thursday, May 22, 2008

KiDs at Work!

Been having post exam lessons lately, well nth much on academic but school has been organising alot of enrichment activites for the kids. Apart from the activites, they also do have some lessons free to keep them occupied..i have asked them to come up with their own board game! In fact, its just improvisation of existing board games like snake and ladder, bingo, spelling bees.... BUT u k never undermine their hidden potential and talent!!! So they kind of did a draft on the A4 size paper, some draw out their ideas.. i got snake n ladder, monopoly, bingo and lots more.. and realli not to like just ask them to do something to keep them occupied to keep them quiet for those periods...well i in fact went to 'popular' and bought some materials and help them to make their board games out!...Well simple simple ones lar...haha actually, its quite simple to do it lar...and its realli cost effectively! all the things are well under $10..could have save even lesser without buying those OHP markers...-_-!! which the kids complain it's spoilt cause they dropped it on the ground....Anyway..was kind of rushing them out wanna show them the next day..and encourage them to do something in holidays apart from playing computers games..and also let them see and try out their own ideas...So here are their ideas and i improvise on them again lar...

(Can you guess the correct spelling?)

However, must really comment on two students who realli go all the way from formulating the game to really make the game out..although it is just snake and ladder...but they have questions for u to answer if u get wrong then like move back..or skip a turn..u get the questions right u move on etc....i think its realli a good learning journey in disguise..haha improving their art n crart? their creativity? and they in fact came out with their own vocab, science, maths questions where they can do peer learning when playing the game..and even use cute little figurines to use as the player's pawn!!!*thumbs up*

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