Haha..so took a bus to NUS early morning...haha okie lar..so we( jm and me) started walking around 815 from central library...then we walked along KENT RIDGE ROAD..all the way till the PGP there where it ends..then turn into the SCIENCE PARK DRIVE and cont our journey...haha i wanted to turn back at many times..cause it like seems wrong lar...but in the end..its the correct way!!...haha so reach the foot of KENT RIDGE PARK..climb a filight of stairs up the top...Wah the view is breathtaking!!!!and the weather was so good!....

Then follow the signs into the CANOPY WALK...(actually...i think throughout the trail, i find that the signs werent sufficient enough...haha some more i started from NUS that direction to Harbour Front..so like no signs to indicate how to get to kent ridge park..)
(canopy walk)
Once u exit the CANOPY WALK (its a short distance anyway)..U k visit the REFLECTIONS AT BUKIT CHANDU.. like museum/ memorial that kind for WWII....of course u have to pay to get in. but u k take a few shots in the compound lar...i think its nice! best if its like a cafe or restaurant for pp to relax...Haha if nt, u k skip it and carry straight on with ur journey....by turning to your right( facing the bukit chandu building) down some stairs into the park..which will lead u to HORTPARK.. one irritating thing is that is a short distance but the road is winding lar!..haha u k take the dirt path right beside it...cutting thru the winding path..(think people are frustrated with it and haha they rather walk straight instead)...
(bukit chandu)
HORT PARK (try NOT take the forest walk that leads u into the alexander arch)..instead take ur time to walk thru the park..its realli nice...and lots of people as well..haha feel free to take as many pictures as u wan..!THink photo speaks alot more than words here!(k view the rest of photos at the link beside)
Next you will move on to the ALEXANDER ARCH...while if u visit at night..is the bridge that will be lighted with different colours lar..like 'qing ren qiao' in taiwan...but to me..haha was okok onli..nth fascinating...BUT do rmb to look down in between the gaps while u walk!!haha think u will get dizzy lar..
Follow the signs and cont walking u will reach HENDSERSON WAVES...i like the design of the bridge e most..and...the view from there is also wonderful...
(henderson waves)
After the Henderson Waves..it will be your last stretch of the walk..MOUNT FABER PARK...haha..took some photos...the jewel box...looks like some Macau casino signboards lar...haha..then finally down the MARANG TRAIL to the bottom of mount faber..
(marang trail)
(foot of mount faber)
THe whole walk took us ard 3 hours...with all the pit stops/toliet breaks along e way...haha do bring along...your camera, drinking water..(u k refill your water at kent ridge park, hortpark), an umbrella cause it gets hotter and if u dun wanna suntan...haha..and lastly good walking shoes.... last but not least..HAVE A HEARTY MEAL at the seah imm food centre to replenish the energy u've lost! (if u still have energy left...carry on window shopping at vivo!)
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