Wanting to sing k ..but in the end..no vacancy..so..haiz...then tot of playing bball in the morning but friends say wanna study for mid term..so..din play...in the evening went down to play..hoping to find some pp to play with..but then all kids with slippers..buay tahan..i hate people wearing slippers to play bballl...like...i dont koe..not prepared or not serious in playing like that...
so sick of reading my abnormal...so freaking thick...read one chapter...forget the previous one that i read before...retrograde interference lor.....like that mid term cham liao lor....so many stuff to remember...
losing steam for my keyboard lessons...haiz..feeling lazy to find new songs and figure out how to play...then. in class..not learning new songs liao.....as for my dance...tho its fun..but it is stressing me out too...so many moves to remember...wah lau...like just into 15min of the lessons..i m sweating like siao due to stress man....
sat went for volunteering...was pretty good i guess..new elderly and kind of new grouping..so get to koe new people as well...then dinner went to dine at saiyerzia - spelling is incorrect but along that line... its a italian restuarant (kind of)at liang court...price is reasonable...BUT..its not nice at all..well its edible lar..just that..the name of dish and the photos werent tally with the actual thing it served...my slices of smoked salmon (shown in the menu) turns out to be bits of salmon...too puny to even taste its salmon or like any other mushroom bits or watever...so i dont recommend to go there and it...

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