is like 1plus am and my eyelid is like auto shutting itself down already....Had a tiring day...well a tiring but evenful week i guess..which means that left me no time for revision!!!argh!!

Played bball this morning...well..started off not that
well...cause my ankle doesnt feel quite good when i jump...after which was slightly better but then...guess it will take a little more time bah..hopefully in time for the arts open this sat...came back...was editing my essay and doing csc blog thingy..oh my..i realli suck at computer and java script stuff...was like asking my bro how to do this and that..and there goes my aftn nap...after which..chiong out of the house to jurong to have dinner with my friends..till now...
Sat was good..went for csc (community service club) volunteer..had this real late mid autumn festival celevration with the elderly...was really enjoyable..our voulunteers and elderly were realli very sporting...and i truely enjoy it... then have the workshop for freshie after the celebration and by the was already 4 liao..wah..thanks.. my day gone already haha..
Thursday and Friday wasnt realli feeling good..maybe due to the lack to sleep and hot, humid weather have to ps my friend on friday...was quite bad lar...cause..promise to help but then..haiz...after which choose to stay home for the day...(tho i agree to go down to some latin festival with my dancemate later on friday night)..was a wise one man..if not sat sure die liao... coming home to sleep and then the next morning off i go to school like..haiz..wish...i had little more time foreverything...a little more time to practice my keyboard..a little more to practice my dances..and more so for my start of the new week...better..up the tempo abit...haha..
Flash Mob at Raffles Place!
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